In case you missed the mass e-mailing, or if your e-mail client moved it to the spam folder... the Official Rogue Club NetHack Server is up and running again! (Technically, it's not actually the same server.) Now, instead of just NetHack, it also has Rogue and some old-school text adventure games! At some point I'll be adding some other roguelikes such as Linley's Dungeon Crawl or Ancient Domains of Mystery.
To connect to the server, you'll need a Telnet/SSH program called PuTTY. You can download it
here. Type in the IP address and click "Open". Then simply log in and play away!
If you don't have an account and would like one, e-mail me your desired username and I'll set it up for you. I'll make it so that when you log in for the first time, it'll prompt you for a password.
We're planning on having a Rogue tournament, which will start next week. We'll either be using the Rogue Club funds to buy a trophy or we'll be making some kind of prize. Be sure to get some practice in now!